Corporate and Product Branding
Your brand is the visual or perceptual identity of your company. Your corporate branding conveys the mission of your company and its associated products and services. Your product brand(s) support your marketing strategy and aligns with your product positioning. If your company has developed a innovative technology platform that is applicable across several market segments, then it important to also establish a brand for the platform as well. Since many early stage medical technology companies only have a single product or technology platform, it is important to devise branding strategies which avoid confusion between these three element.
The Atticus Group has worked with a number of medical technology companies to help them to develop corporate, product, and technology platform branding. Our experience and understanding of the importance of creating branding strategy and branding elements has enable us to support out clients goal of having their company and products stand out in the minds of customers within targeted segments. Remember, a brand is not simply a name or a logo – it is how you want to be perceived by your customers.